Silvester Lavrík

(Slovenčina) Silvester Lavrík (1964) je dramatik a režisér. Žije v Bratislave a Bánovciach nad Bebravou. Pracuje v Slovenskom rozhlase. Vydal zbierky poviedok Allegro Barbaro, Zlodeji, Perokresba, monodrámu Villa Lola, zbierku hier Hry, cestopisný album pohľadníc s Mikulášom Dzurindom Slovensko v lete a najnovšie knižku rozhovorov s Ivetou Radičovou Dokážeme to.

And suddenly, BOOM!

Official languages are important political tools. Slovak is no exception. In this sense it is admirable that the current Slovak government pays so much attention to the Slovak language. Even though it’’s not the first time that the highest power in the land is addressing the Slovaks’’ mother tongue.  The examination made regarding the high order of the 4th day of this month about the former Professor at the Protestant Lyceum in Pressburg, Ľ’udevít Štúr, who submitted a request for permission to publish in the Empire a Slovak language magazine under the title Slovak National News has produced the following […]