Marek Beylin

(Slovenčina) Marek Gustaw Beylin (1957) je poľský novinár. Žije vo Varšave. Študoval na Varšavskej univerzite, v sedemdesiatych a osemdesiatych rokoch pôsobil v hnutí Solidarnosc. Od začiatku deväťdesiatych rokov pracuje v denníku v Gazeta Wyborcza. V roku mu vyšla kniha Dziennik kampanii wyborczej. Klapa’95.

An Emerging Europe of Fear and Anger

Fear is spreading around Europe. It is gripping those who live by their own labour, the young as well as the old, the middle classes as well as those who are less well off. From Madrid and London, through Rome and Paris, to Berlin and Warsaw labourers, students, businessmen and intellectuals are scared. A Europe of peace is turning into a Europe of fear. And into a Europe of anger. It is mainly the fear of a global crisis, indeed of disaster, that is destroying the life of societies, pushing them into shortages, chaos and violence, accompanied by growing anger […]