Let’s Not Fall For This Trick

Photo: Tomasz Wiech / Agencja Gazeta This is the main issue today. As we mark the 24th anniversary of Gazeta Wyborcza we ask the question that keeps cropping up in Polish debates.  Right from the start, our paper has aimed to serve a democratic, tolerant and European Poland. So where does this question come from? The answer seems simple. Fascism of the 1930s no longer exists because the context has changed: there is no Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Stalin’s Soviet Russia, no civil war in Spain, no ONR[1] that tried to impose a numerus clausus on universities. What does fascism […]

Unsuitable Time for a Meeting

Photo: Artyom Korotayev / AFP / Getty Images Briefly: President Obama’’s administration delayed the release of the Magnitsky list for a year. When it could no longer hold back, it published the list in its most toothless form, expunging the names of any official it felt might provoke the Kremlin, leaving only assorted Dukuzovs and Karpovs who – Obama’s naive pacifists assumed – would be of no interest to Putin. Anticipating a reward and content with his compromise, President Obama then dispatched his Advisor on National Security, Tom Donilon, to Moscow. Ha! Dream on! Instead of appreciating the Americans’’ humble […]