Jacques Rupnik

(Slovenčina) Jacques Rupnik (1950) je francúzsky politológ a novinár. Narodil sa v Prahe, žije v Paríži. Vyštudoval Sorbonne a Harvard, bol redaktorom BBC, v súčasnosti je riaditeľom výskumu na Fondation des Sciences Politiques v Paríži a prednáša na svetových univerzitách (tento rok napríklad v Paríži, či na Harvarde). Je autorom množstva kníh, naposledy mu v českom preklade vyšli Jiná Evropa a Dějiny komunistické strany Československa.

Between Hope and Decline

When he invited me to address you, Mr Marek Svoboda said: We would like you to assess the state of democracy in the world; you have a full fifteen minutes. So keep it short and sweet. Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that over the past year we have witnessed the awakening of grass roots democracy in various parts of the world. Democracy is awakening in many unexpected contexts, such as the Arab Spring or the protests in Russia. The bad news is that, on the other hand, in places where we thought democracy […]